#CarteaDeVineri in dialogue with Valentine N. Glajar


Join us for a discussion about Nobel prize-winning Romanian-born author Herta Mueller, the story of her surveillance by the secret police and of her international success. #CarteaDeVineri in Dialogue with […]

#CarteaDeVineri in dialogue with Iolanda Costide


Today we talk about discussion about Romanian-born artist Paul Neagu, who settled in the UK in 1969. Iolanda is a trustee of The Paul Neagu Estate and will introduce his […]

#CarteaDeVineri in dialogue with Tom Gallagher


As we approach the 35th anniversary of the Romanian revolution,we hear from Tom about his book which details 'the transition years' and find out what has changed since its publication. […]

#CarteadeVineri in dialogue with Nicolae Rațiu


"In 1950, Ion Rațiu wrote ‘Moscow Challenges the World’ which has been recently republished." An apt and timely discussion. Moscow Challenges the World, recently republished with a new translation into […]

#CarteadeVineri in dialogue with Mihai Buzea


Mihai Buzea doesn’t just write about survival—he lived it. Gastarbeiter is his brutally honest, darkly funny, and unapologetically raw account of life as a Romanian migrant worker in London. From journalist to […]

#CarteadeVineri in dialog cu Veronica Costache


Renașterea este o carte scrisă de Veronica I. Costache, care servește drept ghid pentru descoperirea și dezvoltarea abilităților personale. Autoarea, consilier în dezvoltare personală cu sute de ore de lucru individual, […]