Active Citizenship

Learning is critical to shaping a person’s life – and we are committed to owning that role completely. As citizens of Romania and living abroad, we believe it is important we understand both the rules & regulations in our country as well as the host country’s. It is our role, as #ambassadors. Use the #activecitizenship hashtag to learn more and find out about how you can get involved.

Finishing the year with a bang
We are delighted to announce that we managed to secure a new …
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Comunicat în urma lansării publice a raportului “Votul în Străinătate – Alegerile Parlamentare 2020”
Prin această inițiativă reafirmăm necesitatea unei reforme electorale de substanță. Subliniem că …
Lansare Raport “Votul în Străinătate – Alegeri Parlamentare 2020”
Vă așteptăm azi 5 Februarie de la 18:00, ora României, la evenimentul …

Our active citizenship projects